Alaska Physical Therapy Specialists
Alaska Physical Therapy Specialists

Sports Physical Therapy

We have experienced it, we have treated it and we have personally returned to the trail, ice, snow, field, court and the game. Come experience what direct one on one physical therapy is all about. Don’t settle for being treated by 2-3 different people (only one being a physical therapist). You, your spouse, your son or daughter, deserve the quality of orthopedic manual physical therapy and specific exercises to rehab your injury, not just some semi-self directed gym program you perform at your PT appointment. Return to your sport quicker with direct one on one care at Alaska Physical Therapy Specialists, LLC, it is not how long you are in the clinic to achieve your goals, it is the quality of time spent in order to get you back to your passion. You only see a physical therapist your entire appointment at Alaska Physical Therapy Specialists, LLC. We listen, we adjust, we perform so you can perform. Are you unable to return to the ski slopes, soccer field, hockey rink, dance floor, basketball court or the trail to run or ski? Tired of sitting on the bench or hearing about the epic day on the trail??!!

  • Hip, knee, ankle or shoulder sprains and strains
  • Ligament injuries: MCL and ACL strains and sprains
  • Rotator cuff strains, tendinopathy, tears
  • Shoulder joint sprains, AC joint sprains, labral injuries
  • Contusions
  • Cervical, thoracic or lumbar strains
  • Hip sprains and strains, labral tears
  • IT band syndrome
  • Patellofemoral and knee pain
  • Patellar tendinopathy
  • Achilles tendon strains/sprains, partial tears
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Post fracture healing
  • Sports performance training
  • Agility training
  • Knee braces
  • Soccer, skiing, hockey, volleyball, basketball, baseball, football, running, swimming, triathlons, biathlons, gymnastics, dance and wrestling and many others

Treatments will include manual physical therapy comprised of joint mobilization, soft tissue mobilization and manual trigger point dry needling, neuromuscular recruitment to strength training, range of motion work, sleeping posture and daily activity performance problem solving, endurance exercises, stretching, kinesiotaping and postural education.  We will develop an individualized and comprehensive home exercise program to help you achieve your goals of returning to what you love. It is not how long you sweat in our therapy session, but the sweat that is produced is done for a direct purpose of returning you to what it is you love in an effective manner.

© 2025, Alaska Physical Therapy Specialists, LLC